Web based remote monitoring system

Web based remote monitoring of aquabrim controller make the system more useful and effective.


Web based remote monitoring of aquabrim controller make the system more useful and effective. SMS alert and email notification can be send to multiple user numbers for critical events. Multi level user access allows to control and monitor the device remotely with limited access to the supervisor and controlling access to the managers. Settings in the controller/ indicator unit can be changed remotely through web server. It has a very simple and user friendly interface. Numerical and Graphical data can be downloaded from the server.


Real Time Data

Display real time data on laptop or mobile phone. Historical data in Numerical/ graphical format can be downloaded for specific period.

Graphical Display

Various parameters can be displayed in graphical form for better analysis and understanding. Plots can be viewed for historical data.

Remote configurations

The controller/ indicators settings can be changed remotely through the web server.

Multi User Access

Multiple user access is provided with different control authority for managers and field staff.

SMS Alerts

SMS alerts can be sent to multiple numbers for critical events for timely action and better management.

Compatible to Multiple Browser

Control and monitoring panel can be operated through all popular web browser.
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